Falcon Flyer Spring 2022-2023 | Page 16


How long has it been since you were in school? No matter how long ago it was, school will be known as a fun time with friends, but a laborious time in class. Memories we make will stick with us as we mature and look back. But how much has changed for students? Do you remember what it was like during the hardships?

As students, we are facing pressure from parents and teachers to do our best in school, to study, to get ahead. But what some of you fail to realize is how difficult it is for us to juggle 5-6 classes along with sports and/or clubs. This, coupled with the normal, everyday social anxiety that adolescents face means that family, friends, school, and work are all strenuous.

Exams and homework cloud our minds as we focus on how to keep up, and with the days blurring together, sometimes we need breaks - other than SEL Days or the weekend. While you are not all to blame for this, please help us by understanding. We students may not hand in work at the specified time, not because we don’t care about the class or our grade, but because we didn’t have the time or capacity to get it done. 

Talk to us.  And really listen.


A few concerned 10th graders