Falcon Flyer SPRING 2021-2022 | Page 22



"I think that if a student doesn't have a laptop they should be given one because it will help with their schoolwork"

- Zara Nadean

"It would probably be bad because kids don't know how to take care of them and they will probably break them"

- Jamal Mahmoud

"I think that it’s beneficial that the kids have a computer because they have become a necessity."

- Amy Dunlap

"It is better than the kids being on their phones or having to request the chromecart"

- Erika Angulo

"I think it’s nice that things are more accessible with technology and some people can’t afford chrome books so it is helpful that the school is giving them out."

- Nathan Choe

The district is going one-to-one.

How do you feel about chromebooks?

This semester, Mr. Milan and his journalism class surveyed SBHS students about their opinions regarding Chromebooks. Next year, the 2022-2023 school year, all high school students will get a Chromebook from the school. The one-to-one mission of the Board of Education, which began during the Covid-19 pandemic to provide students who needed laptops with Chromebooks, will finally be completed  the next school year. However, we are now thinking about the downsides of every student having a school-provided Chromebook. How do students feel about receiving laptops from the school? Read on to find out.

By Olivia Laszcz