Falcon Flyer SPRING 2020-2021 | Page 5


I would definitely like to thank everyone who came out and supported us, and I am thankful to have had completed a season. I am also so grateful  for being able to play with such amazing teammates and friends. Even through the wins and losses, we have grown stronger, and we all truly love to play. It was great being able to play varsity  for 3 years and all the memories and jokes that came along with doing so. I'm so sad to not have had a full senior season, but I'm glad I had one. I also wish everyone  the best moving forward  and I will definitely be back to watch my sister and my

favorite girls play!

- Vanessa Gusciora

This season was not like any other. There were many obstacles we had to overcome because we had to go into quarantine twice and the season was shortened. However, that didn’t stop the team from trying their hardest and pushing themselves to be their absolute best. I just want to thank everyone who supported us. I also want to thank my coaches and all of my teammates for the memories we have made together over the years. I just want to wish my teammates good luck next season because I know you guys are going to be dominating!

I love you all! 

-Taylor Jancio