Falcon Flyer FALL 2020-2021 | Page 13

Expectation: Submit your applications and financial aid documents to the institution of your choice.

Reality: This part is no different than it was last year, but that just means it’s equally as time-consuming and frustrating as it was last year, but we take our W’s when we can.

Expectation: Get your first acceptance letter!

Reality: Except you got it in the mail, which means that it was touched by a gaggle of people before it reached your mailbox, and one of those people may have infected it with COVID-19. So, your mother will “quarantine the mail” to make sure the virus is dead before you open it because this is what she does for all our mail (:eyeroll:).

In the end, it’s all worth it though, because your hard work will have paid off the minute your eyes hit the word “congratulations.”

To the Class of 2021:

The entire higher education system is daunting and sometimes a little bizarre, but if you choose to navigate its waters, everything will eventually work out for you. Congratulations on taking the first step towards your next adventure. The Falcon Flyer staff is so proud of you!