Falcon DayZ RP Falcon DayZ RP | Página 7

Would you change anything about the community if you could?

Well, it just so happens that I probably can change anything with the community if I wanted to. But, I suppose this question refers to things that might be out of my hands entirely. Well.. I sure would change the way some people decide to approach role play on our servers. Seems like some care more about finding loopholes in the rules and AK74 magazines rather than taking the role play currently being played out seriously enough. If I could somehow change the mindset of these individuals, and make them realize what a wonderful world of fantasy and imagination real immersive role-play can open up for them.. then that is what I would change.

What do expect from the future?

Short term - I expect to see the new rules come into play and make the setting on our server a more realistic and apocalypse friendly. Hopefully everyone have read through them by now and understood the drastic changes that they bring. I’m excited about these new ideas and concepts that this reform to the rules bring.

Long term - Hopefully we will see the player numbers rise again on our servers and DayZ in general. Recently, statistics were published on reddit showing a 70% drop in player numbers across all of DayZ, and of course this affects the role play servers as well. Personally I believe the latest patch and the content currently offered to the players in-game is much to blame for this, since we still see the Falcon community blossom outside of the game. People are involved like never before. The fact that it is also summer time and people are outside enjoying the beautiful weather and their planned vacations doesn’t help much with the numbers on the servers either. However, the Falcon keeps soaring the sky (real poetic, I know) - and will do so for a very long time to come.