Faith & Reason Volume IV, Issue I | Page 6


By Br . Aquinas Beale , O . P .
The past year has been quite an eventful one for followers of the thought of St . Thomas Aquinas . From being belittled in leaked emails in an election campaign , to being cited in support of Pope Francis ’ apostolic exhortation , Amoris Laetitiae , Thomism has received more than its typical share of the spotlight . That attention is welcome news at the PFIC , where for the past century Thomistic thought has been preserved , cultivated , and brought into dialogue with the challenges faced by the Church and her faithful .
Not only is this attention welcome , it is also well-deserved . “ Thomism boasts a proud tradition ,” says Fr . Aquinas Guilbeau , O . P ., in an article written for RealClearReligion . org , “ Thomism is Ready for Its Close-up .” Through the centuries , it helped shape the Catholic Counter- Reformation , inspired the defense of the native peoples of the Americas , and influenced the drafting of the U . N . Declaration of Human Rights . Today , it continues to be “ a vibrant force in the intellectual world .” Centers for the study of Thomism , like the PFIC ’ s own Thomistic Institute , foster engagement with the best of contemporary thought , while maintaining a sound basis in the Catholic tradition .
This fidelity to the Church ’ s teaching tradition goes to the heart of what Fr . Basil Cole , O . P ., refers to as “ the most authentically Thomistic position ” in a reflection on Thomistic morals published on the National Catholic Register website . In his discussion , “ Is ‘ Amoris Laetitia ’ Really Thomistic ?” Cole asserts that “ what is most important [ in authentic Thomism ] is to be faithful to the teachings of Christ as expressed in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition .”
The PFIC prides itself as an institution where such authentic Thomism continues to flourish . Through the work of the faculty and the Thomistic Institute , the PFIC looks forward to many more years of illumining the Faith with the light of St . Thomas Aquinas .
TOP : Fr . Basil Cole , O . P ., teaching The Capital Vices in the Work of St . Thomas Aquinas Photo by Matthew Barrick
BOTTOM : Fr . Aquinas Guilbeau , O . P ., during his Preaching : Preparation and Presentation class Photo by Matthew Barrick
Faith & Reason - Volume IV , Issue I 6