Faith On The Line - Stress, Stress Go Away Vol 19 | Page 6
Evangelism Update:
Longmont, Colorado Series
Report by Nettie Gill
astor Victor Gill and I travelled to Colorado for his most recent sermon series. We arrived in Denver on February
19th, 2013. Our series was held in Longmont,
Colorado at the First Baptist Church, which
the Vista Seventh-day Adventist Church rents
each week for their worship services.
The Vista SDA Church has two evangelistic series every year. The church has grown
from a very small group to about seventy-five
members to date. The whole church is very
involved in evangelism in their city and surrounding areas.
The first evening , the twenty-five non-members present received the message of Daniel 2
well. We were pleasantly surprised to find that
three of our guests were former Seventh-day
Adventists. There were a number of people
present who had attended the previous series
and some newly baptized members came
to hear the message again and to become
better acquainted with the messages of the
Three Angels.
We were very delighted to see many of these
people returning night after night. We prayed
often for each of them by name. In addition to
daily prayer, Victor set aside two days a week
to fast and pray for those who were coming to
the meetings.
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We were delighted to see some people
bringing their friends and family
members. Others stopped coming
altogether. This saddened us, but we
continued to pray for them.
We contacted many of these people
by phone and visited some of them to
encourage them to continue to come
and hear the last warning message for
this world.
Some of our guests had real issues to overcome. One young
lady is an alcoholic and needed special prayer for her addiction. We visited her and prayed for her, claiming God’s promises of deliverance and victory in her life. As far as we know,
she has now been a month without alcohol. We continue to
hold her up to the Lord, claiming victory in His name.
Another gentleman, also an alcoholic, claims that ever since
he began coming to the meetings he has not had the urge
to drink. His wife is so pleased that he doesn’t come home
drunk from work anymore! They are both planning on being
baptized, but feel they need to study more, as they had missed
a number of meetings due to the husband’s work schedule.
Another man, Mark [not his real neame], had a grandfather
who was a Seventh-day Adventist. This grandfather had been
an elder in the church and gave Bible studies to the people in
the community. When he died, Mark was the one who got the
Bible and all the Bible study filmstrips that his grandfather
had used. Mark attended the Vista series and felt God’s Spirit
calling to him.
Mark had a smoking problem and really didn’t want to give it
up because he enjoyed smoking so much. But by the time the
series was over, he had given up his tobacco and was baptized
along with his ten year old son.
Mark brought his mother along with him to several meetings.
She had been a former Seventh-day Adventist, but had drifted
away from the Church. At Mark’s baptism, she was moved by
the Holy Spirit and told me with tears streaming down her
face that she needed to make her commitment to God’s last
day message and His remnant Church.
There was an older man who came quite regularly. He had
worked for NASA for thirty years and was involved with the
US shuttle program. Pastor Gill visited him in his home and
learned that his parents had been Seventh-day Adventists. He
was very attentive at the meetings and came faithfully until he
got the flu. He became very ill before the series was over but
we are confident that he will be part of the Vista SDA Church
before too long.
On the last Sabbath, we had five baptisms and one attendee
was accepted into fellowship by profession of faith. There are
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