Faith On The Line - Stress, Stress Go Away Vol 19 | Página 4

Message We believe that God has entrusted us with the Three Angels’ Message to spread to a world in great deception! It is a solemn and worthy calling and we recognize the honour entrusted to not only us, but to all God’s people living in these last days. It is a privilege to be permitted to share this important message and to provide truth to the many souls ensnared in Satan’s lies. We continue to pray for God to enable this message to reach further and further. Calling It was 20 years ago when the Goubej family said, “We have to do something more than just attend church on Sabbath.” They asked the Lord to use their gifts, despite their limitations, and to show how they should serve. Soon after, they met Walter Veith, and God has kept their flame of passion for evangelism strong ever since. It has become a life calling, and the blessings of being in service for the Lord are precious. Evangelism We marvel at the 20 years of amazing ventures God has sent us on. Through the many evangelistic and revival series that have been led by our speakers, we have learned patience, endurance and trust in God, and have seen Him lead people to Himself. Pastor Victor Gill and his wife Nettie continue to faithfully lead missions in India and the Ukraine, but there is still so much help needed! “As long as God gives me the strength, I will go again,” says Pastor Gill. Will you join him? Blessings Amazing Discoveries can only succeed because of God’s countless blessings. Since His faithfulness during the v