Faith On The Line - Stress, Stress Go Away Vol 19 | Page 15
Airlift Gospel Shoe Company
By Pastor Dan Gabbert
mans 1:16, we see that “the gospel of the grace of God,” or “the gospel of Christ” is “the power of God unto salvation.” In other words,
God’s grace is His unlimited, forgiving, transforming power to save
us from sin’s guilt and power. Notice how Evangelism puts it:
Divine grace is the great element of saving power; without it all
human effort is unavailing (629, emphasis added).
God’s grace
is His unlimited, forgiving,
How important is God’s grace for each of
us? Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us this:
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and
that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not
of works, lest any man should boast.
No one has been or will ever be saved
apart from God’s grace (see Acts 15:11). So
then, how is God’s grace—His wonderful power to save—revealed
in the life of a believer in Christ?
The Gospel’s Two Shoes
God’s power to save is revealed in two basic ways, because
Ephesians 5:15 tells us our feet must be shod with the preparation
of the Gospel of peace.
Just as both of my physical feet have to be shod, both of my
spiritual feet must be shod with the preparation of the Gospel
of peace in order for me to not have a lopsided, shaky walk
with Christ.
Eternal Airlift Gospel Shoe #1: The Forgiveness of Past Sins
The first spiritual foot that needs to be shod by the grace of God