Faith On The Line - Stress, Stress Go Away Vol 19 | Page 13
In Apeldoorn, 55 volunteers wore sport
shirts with the logo “De Schepping” (The
Creation). The manager of the “Orpheus”
was not optimistic. Who would come
to an event like this? The theatre held
many seats. Would it be a full house? At
8 p.m. the lobby was filled with visitors.
There were 1200 people in the theatre.
In Apeldoorn – as in all other cities – the
largest auditorium was filled to the last
seat. Many interested in attending had
to turn around and go home because
there was not a single seat left. I do not
have words to adequately describe how
I felt then. I was literally blown away
by the certainty of God’s presence, by
the crowds of people, and by the quality
of the event. There were three secular
camera teams milling around, recording
everything. During the intermission,
people talked to each other in the lobby.
Many had questions. Among them were
young people who were searching for the
truth and openly admitted that they had
been touched by the presentation.
After the presentation, I found myself
surrounded by many people and was
answering questions. The owner of an
evangelical TV station in Holland walked
up to Johan. He and his wife attended the
event and were deeply touched. He now
offered to arrange, on his TV network
in September, a complete Creation day,
featuring interviews, talks by scientists,
Driver for the Swiss government becomes Adventist
Richard Häberlin works as a professional driver for the
Swiss government. Occasionally, he will even drive the
Swiss President, Ms Doris Leuthard. On February 18, 2012,
Richard was baptized into the Adventist congregation of
Bern. His path to Christ and to the Adventist congregation is
a good example of the successful efforts of the self-supporting
ministries of ASI Europe and what happens when Adventist
congregations cooperate with these ASI ministries. Prior to
Richard Häberlin
the showing of the first Creation movie in Switzerland, Richard
had already listened to online lectures by Walter Veith. As we know, Amazing
Discoveries made the virtual lectures given by the South African preacher and
professor of Zoology available to as many people as possible.
When the movie – and with it, Henry Stober and Walter Veith – arrived in Bern,
Richard was one of the attendees. Afterwards, he wanted to learn more about the
message that held such fascination for him. So he attended more events offered by
the congregation. Over time, a friendship developed between him and Christoph
and Erika Gysin, a married couple. While Christoph manages the ministry Amazing
Recordings, Erika looks after the Swiss chapter of Amazing Discoveries.
Richard eventually reached the point where he had to take a stand: Would his
employer respect his wish to not work on the Sabbath? He did. With God’s help, he
overcame all difficulties. He could hardly wait to be baptized. Now, he is ecstatic
to finally be a Seventh-day Adventist and to belong to the remnant church.
Gerhard Padderatz is President of ASI Europe and has recorded a series of presentations
with Amazing Discoveries. Watch for the series coming out at the end of 2013.
I thank God for Amazing Discoveries
Europe and for their connection to Walter
Veith. The background work completed
by Amazing Discoveries Europe for this
project was outstanding. I could never do
this kind of work by myself.
and much more. This channel reaches
thee million people. Incredible! God is
powerful. He has big plans for Holland
and beyond! A few people approached me
later, saying: ”Henry, Holland is by far the
most secular country of the entire TransEuropean Division. What happened here
will also work in all other countries, God
willing.” Truly encouraging, this thought!
People ask me: “Large theatres, crowds
of people in attendance, not a single seat
left – is that all? Is this the goal of the
Creation Tour?” A justified question, for
sure. We often expect (frequently in the
context of the Creation film) that visitors
will join our churches immediately after
the lectures, that they will want Bible
studies, and will get baptized. But usually
things don’t work that way – or very
rarely. People need time to ponder their
decision for God, time to have it ripen
in their minds. And what they also need
during this time is us – contacts, friends
willing to talk about all the questions
they struggle with. Because if there is no
personal connection to us, there won’t be
any conversations about faith. And if there
are no conversations about faith, there is
no hope. It is only through our personal
experiences with God that we can truly
touch and convince others. In Mark 16:15,
Jesus says: “Go into the entire world and
preach the gospel to EVERY creature”.
The full report is available at