Faith in Action 2017 20.08.17 | Page 4

4 FAITH IN ACTION GOD BECAME MY BEST FRIEND If Francia Cabulo was to describe her life in one word, she would have said it was meaningless. She didn’t know who she was or who she wanted to be. She was living life just to live and knew there was always something missing. SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE FOR THE V WOMAN Francia Cabulo “T he lowest point for me was when I lost a very close family member. From then onwards, my life went downhill. I lost my job and my friends. I even started to hallucinate about my dead family member. I felt like I could have died at any moment, so those thoughts of fear were constantly on my mind. “I asked God to break my pride. I read my Bible, I fasted, I sought the Holy Spirit and showed God that I wanted Him above everything else.” I used to come to the church when I was younger, but as I was very scared, I made the decision to return to God. I already knew about the Holy Spirit and I understood that only He could truly change me. It was hard. I had to humble myself to ask God for help. I asked Him to help me think like Him and see myself how He sees me. I then took part in the Campaign of Israel, as well as the in 21-day Fast of Daniel. I asked God to break my pride. I read my Bible, I fasted, I sought the Holy Spirit and showed God that I wanted Him above everything else. Things began to change, including the way I saw myself, and God became my best friend. My biggest battle took place internally; I faced doubts that I wasn’t good enough to receive the Holy Spirit. But I always overcame those doubts and then they would eventually disappear. My confidence started to grow as a result. Through my perseverance, I received the Holy Spirit on the seventh day of the 21- Day Fast. I listened to the Be Inspired radio programme at 10pm and when we were invited to speak to God about our vision towards His work, that is exactly what I did. I told Him that I wanted to save souls and how He could use me to do so. As I was talking to Him I received the Holy Spirit. I didn’t know I could receive the Holy Spirit like that. I was amazed. I didn’t speak in tongues there and then, and because of that, doubts tried to come, but the assurance that I had inside of me surpassed that. A few months later, I spoke in tongues. I became confident and mature. I began to see things in a spiritual way, including any setback that came my way. Now I no longer take action based on my emotions or keep myself hidden away from the world. I no longer fear death. I have finished university, and I am now working and starting up my own business. I finally found my identity and my purpose in life. My advice to those who are seeking the Holy Spirit is not to expect to feel something or complicate things in your mind. God just wants you. Change what you need to change, and be humble and sincere to God. The secret to a successful 21-Day Fast is to be real with yourself and God, to have a goal and not just do it for the sake of taking part. You know what you’re seeking, so give your best and don’t give up. Although I received the Holy Spirit, I continue to take part in the 21-Day Fast as it strengthens me and renews me. God always shows me something different that I need to improve or develop in my relationship with Him.”