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guidance on what to do and how to do
it. When we sacrifice, we trust that God
is going to do what we cannot. How He
does it is none of our business. All we
need to do is show our trust in the form
of sacrifice.
Reason two:
“Sacrifice or offering is the instrument
through which a person comes near
to God. This nearness is desired by the
Father, who established the offering
of sacrifice.
In the process of redemption of
humankind, God offered His Own Son
Jesus Christ (John 3:16) – the ultimate
sacrifice. The Lord Jesus is the Offering
of God the Father for the salvation of
humankind. He is both the best example
of a perfect offering and the door of
access to the holy presence of God.”
(Excerpt from Change Your Life Through
Sacrifice by Bishop Macedo. You can
get your copy for £3.99 at your local
Christianbooks Plus bookshop).
Sacrifice is the perfect way to draw close
to God. It brings you into a realm that an
average offering cannot reach. When
you have truly sacrificed, you develop an
extraordinary confidence that enables
you to demand an answer from God.
Reason three:
We can often get ahead of ourselves
and become so busy with everyday life
that we forget God’s place in our lives.
Sacrificing to God is a great reminder
that He comes first, that He is sovereign
and Lord over all. We can do nothing
without Him, including trying to achieve
our biggest dreams or defeat our
greatest problem.
Reason four:
The most obvious reason why we sacrifice
is that when we have done all that we
can by the strength of our arms, we turn
to God to make the impossible become
possible. When Elijah was up against the
450 prophets of Baal, the only sure way
to prove that the Lord was the one true
God was by preparing a burnt sacrifice.
When you have made a true sacrifice, the
fire will surely come down and consume
it – thus, you will receive your answer.