I ’ ve always been a healthy individual . I have no chronic illnesses , and I don ’ t take any prescribed medications . Preventative care was the norm for me . Visits to the doctor ’ s office were for my annual physical and my annual ob-gyn exam . I even started a weight loss regiment to boost my energy and my overall quality of life . The total weight loss was approximately 50 lbs . Yay me ! Then the unthinkable happened .
In June of 2013 I began to experience excruciating headaches and killer migraines . The pain radiated down into my left jaw . I tried taking every over-the-counter pain medication available to find relief . Nothing helped . This experience continued for about three weeks . The agony drove me to the emergency room not once , but twice . Both times my supervisor drove me to the hospital from the office , and both times I was barely medicated and sent home . A simple headache was my diagnosis . The pain really intensified , and I didn ’ t think that that was possible .
JUNE 2013 It Just Wasn ' t My Time ... PHEWWW !!!
My Life Has Purpose ! It radiated on the left side and down my left jaw . I began to think perhaps there was an issue with my teeth . I even made a dentist appointment , but I never made it to the dentist ’ s office .
Monday , June 17 , 2013 was the worst day of all in terms of the pain . I was already convinced it couldn ’ t get any worse , but it did . I came home from work and lay down immediately . I didn ’ t know what to do , so I decided to take something that would put me to sleep . I slept for quite some time . It was 2:00 AM when I woke up . I needed to use the restroom , but I struggled to get up . When I tried to sit up , my head felt so heavy . It was like an anvil was resting on my forehead . After a few minutes , I was able to get out of bed and walk down the hall to the restroom , but not without bumping into the walls . In hindsight , I now know my equilibrium was off . I went back to bed hoping to get enough rest for work in the morning .
Tuesday morning , June 18 , 2013 , 9:32 AM EST , turned out to be the day I ’ ll never forget . Of course , I was extremely exhausted from the night before .