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Facebook: Priscilla Sloan Joseph
Instagram: Psjoseph718
Twitter: Psjosep718
By: P. Sloan Joseph
I am known as being a tentmaker with my husband, Aquila. Paul called my husband and I his
“helpers in Christ Jesus.” I traveled with Paul and ministered to Apollo, a Jewish man. Who
am I?
a. Tabitha/Dorcus
b. Claudia
c. Priscilla
d. Anna
For the answer, read Acts 18: 1-3, 18:18, 18:26, and Romans 16:3-4
I am a merchant known for selling expensive purple cloth. After hearing Paul & Silas minister to
the women in my city, I was baptized along with my entire household. Paul and Silas came to my
home when they were released from prison. Who am I?
a. Elisabeth
b. Damaris
c. Phebe
D. Lydia
For the answer, read Acts 16:14-15, 16:40.
I am a Jewess, but married a Greek man. He died after seven years of marriage. I am the
mother of Timothy. I am a prophet who approached Joseph and Mary and “gave thanks to God
and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.”
Who am I?
a. Drusilla
b. Anna
c. Rhoda
d. Miriam
For the answer, read Luke 2: 36-38.