I ask parents to keep healthy food in the
house for the kids and to model eating
healthy in front of children. If you notice
that kids are having issues with food you
should encourage them to talk openly
about their troubles, and don’t let them
get into a negative spiral with food.
Sometimes your kids will go into a rage or
become closed off. Please watch for the
signs. If any child or teenager is reading
this and needs someone to talk with,
please email me at
[email protected] I promise
that what you are going through is for a
season and you are strong enough to
make it through.
Faith Heart Magazine: Do you believe
you've won your battle with obesity?
Why or why not?
Ruby Gettinger:
I believe the word of God, “As a man
thinks, so he is” We have to start feeding
our souls the truth, and the truth is we
are more than conquerers through Jesus,
Greater is He that is in me than He that is
in the world. We HAVE to renew our
spirits daily and sweep out our chimneys
of all the chaos. Replace the negative
with the positive, the truth. We have a
God purpose; we are worth it. We are
God’s masterpiece. We must TAP into
God. I believe spiritually YES I have and
with God YES I will continue!
Faith Heart Magazine: Oftentimes,
setbacks come without warning. How did
the unexpected death of your brother and
the cancellation of your hit reality show
impact your life?
Ruby Gettinger:
I lost my brother, John, unexpectedly, and I
ended up gaining a little over 70 pounds. He
was my heart. I still can’t believe he’s gone. I
know he is with God but I still long to hear his
voice, laughter, and to see his beautiful smile.
When I look at my hands, I see his. It’s
strange when I laugh I hear him in it. The
first time that happened...I gasped.
Wow...the things we do not notice until
someone's gone. It was two months before he
died when the network told me they canceled
the show. We were right in the middle of
talking and planning with production...it was
a complete shock. It still shocks me to this
day because there was no legit reason. A
year later the network was taken over by
another network...maybe that is why. I was
devastated. I felt I was letting so many
people down. I didn't want my fans to lose
hope. My fans were the best support I have
received and continue to receive. They are
amazing! I had to shake myself back to the
land of the living, get back up and fight again.
I got down to my lowest weight of 319. One
of the closest people to me became extremely
sick. A sickness I’ve never seen or
experienced before. The doctors could never
figure out what was wrong. I was so scared
— they went through a lot of testing, their
sickness was 24/7, and I was on watch for
them 24/7 for over six months and thank God
they are now okay! We never figured out
what was wrong, but with prayer, love, and
support they are okay today.
My Foxy (my fur baby) became sick and
within 48 hours of giving her mouth to mouth
and fighting as hard as I could to keep her
alive, my child of 16.5 years died. I am still
heartbroken. Seriously, she was my child. We
were together 24/7. I didn’t realize till after
her death how much she was my constant