Faith Heart Magazine Faith Heart Magazine: Volume 4 | Page 24

Ruby Retreaters! Sometimes I get mad...saying, "Why did you create me where my body can stretch this big?" And then, it takes effect. It's like faith kicks in, "You can do this. Ruby you can do this. You have to do this. It's your life.” I believe there's a purpose. I know that everyone was born for a purpose. Faith Heart Magazine: I want to personally congratulate you on motivating others to face difficult challenges and setbacks. Being a woman of incredible faith, how has your personal relationship with God played an instrumental role in transforming your life and the lives of others? Ruby Gettinger: God is my everything, and that’s why I will never give up on me or anyone. If it wasn't for God, if it wasn't for my faith in God, I don't think I could have survived this. I love Him; He makes me feel like I can do anything. My belief in God makes me stronger, and I believe that anything is possible...and knowing this gives me strength to go that extra mile. It gives me strength to walk into that place because God is with me. My passion makes me believe for others, and I want them to cross the finish line with me. I believe in each of them. FAITH HEART MAGAZINE l 20 "I BELIEVE EVEN AFTER ALL MY MILLIONS OF SETBACKS, I CAN DO THIS AND I WILL!!!" Faith Heart Magazine: Why do you believe so many people find comfort in your words, “personal journey to selfdiscovery and transformation?” Ruby Gettinger: I can only tell you what people have said to me. I tell my truth, the good, bad and ugly. I put it all on the table. I have setbacks just like them, but I do not give up and want them to fight with me. I honestly believe we can beat this the right way. People say, “body, mind, soul,” I say, "soul, mind, body” I believe once we turn to God and find out what we are truly feeding, drugging, drinking, etc. and connect the spiritual and mind, the physical will follow.