Faith Filled Family Magazine September 2016 | Page 87

Lord with all our heart (Proverbs 3:5) is a key to knowing that God will work things out for us. live vice what God wants from us takes courage and audacity from us to walk away. If we are not where God wants us to be in life, When we trust the Lord, we have He will knock on our hearts until faith that His will--will be done we open our hearts and bend in our lives. We cannot do it on to His will. Not out of obligaour own because without God tion, but out of our love for Him our actions will be a fruitless should we do this. If we can take endeavor. Trust involves letting that step away from fear and into go of control of ourselves, our the trustful ways of God, He will selfish thoughts and desires, be with us, no matter what. and letting God drive the car of our lives. When we trust in the When we step out in faith and Lord, we find things work out. trust in God that His vision for our Of course, there may be some lives is true, we can be assured bumps in the road along the way we can be successful because because we inject our wills into He will strengthen us to do so the process, but as the growth (Philippians ,4:13) When we are in trust moves along, there are afraid, all we need to do is put less bumps. Without faith in God our trust in Him (Psalm 56:3). (Hebrews 11:6) to do right by us If we trust Him, He will be with and to take care of us through our us and strengthen us to do His trust in Him, we trip up which can will. Each follower of Jesus has lead to failure in our effort to fulfill a seed, a unique vision, planted the vision He gave us. When we in their hearts to fulfill His purlearn to trust God and apply trust pose for them. How the seed is to our relationship with Him, we recognized, watered, trimmed, become more tenacious in doing and cared for over time is done His will and living our purpose. through putting our trust and faith This take the courage to step in God to make this happen. We out of ourselves and letting God cannot create our own visions step into us. In, Joshua 1:9 (NASB), God says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Courage is needed to break free from the bonds of the world. The world wants to keep a tight grip on us to be adverse to the voice of God for our lives. To give up what we have, if it be our career, our income level, or material goods, etc.takes courage and trust in God as Joshua said in this verse. To let the world and society dictate what and how we to create our own purpose for ourselves. This must come from God. Man does not give us visions for God. Society can’t tell us what way to go, only God can, if we listen and trust Him. God won’t abandon us. He is there for us. If you are not seeking to fulfill God’s purpose for you, don’t be scared, but trust and step out in faith. His vision for us is there in front of us, we just need to open our eyes and heart to recognize it. Walking away from what we know in this world to do God’s will be scary and will inhibit us from moving forward. If we can trust and move towards what He wants from us, we will be okay. The world may turn on us for doing so, but really, who cares what they think? They can’t give us salvation, hope, trust, and fearlessness, only God can. John Lysaught resides in El Paso, TX. He is an active member in his church and humbly serves God. He is married with four children and is celebrating his seventeenth wedding anniversary this month.