Faith Filled Family Magazine October 2016 | Page 26
Are Fantasy
Shows Spiritually
Harming our
By Michelle C. Danko
etting our children watch
fantasy shows… Seems
like a loaded question,
and there are many arguments
both for, and against such shows
whether they are television
shows, or movies. One side of
the argument are parents who
delight in the imaginative creativity of youth, and do not want to
deprive their children of a world
wherein anything is possible.
Other parents argue that imagination is one thing, as is creativity, but children most definitely
act out what they see- especially
if they like it. What words and
actions are they speaking? Are
they casting magical spells? All
are things to ponder.
is charming all the time? How
many of us live our marriages
“happily ever after”? Marriages
take work.
Furthermore, mermaids and
An overwhelming majority of mermen are mythical in origin,
fantasy shows are marketed to- and their roots date back to anwards girls, and the sentiment cient Rome wherein they were
that they invoke is often unrealis- referenced as Poseidon. Poseitic. Yes, Cinderella is so roman- don was worshiped by many.
tic in origin, and Barbie is just so Also, it takes magic to change a
perfect in her land of make-be- creature from a mermaid to a hulieve. However, how many of us man. Just saying…
married Prince Charming who