Faith Filled Family Magazine October 2016 | Page 15
or satanic practices and involves
the supernatural or some knowledge of them openly, in secret,
In the past, present or on the
future lives of others. The Israelites were commanded not to imitate the practices deemed as occultism (forms of occult practices
were mentioned) performed by
the Canaanites from the Book of
Deuteronomy 18:9-13 ~
these people are all demons, I’m
saying these people according
to scripture are being led by demons, regardless of their intentions, and they can be led astray,
and you as well by association.
Take a look in the book of Leviticus, 20:6-8 ~
to seek God. What does that say
about faith?
God gave each of us free will.
This free will was HIS gift for us
to choose HIM. What beautiful
gifts we have received from God!
“And the soul that turneth after Our destiny became apparent
such as have familiar spirits, with Adam and Eve. Satan knew
and after wizards, to go a whor- we would not resist temptation
“When thou art come into the ing after them, I will even set my when presented with the choice
land which the Lord thy God face against that soul, and will to have a bit more we want the
giveth thee, thou shalt not learn cut him off from among his peo- power. We want the control. We
to do after the abominations of ple. Sanctify yourselves there- like to make ours on decisions,
those nations. There shall not be fore, and be ye holy: for I am the even when we know God is in
found among you any one that LORD your God. And ye shall control, given the opportunity,
maketh his son or his daughter keep my statutes, and do them: we will exercise our ability from
to pass through the fire, or that I am the LORD which sanctify time to time. It is when to take
these steps, God tries to let us
useth divination, or an observer you.”
falter some. As a Father would,
of times, or an enchanter, or a
witch Or a charmer, or a con- This is not to say this person act- sometimes it is easier to let your
sulter with familiar spirits, or a ing on your behalf will go unpun- child learn from their mistakes.
wizard, or a necromancer. For ished, only that you are respon- What about spiritual power?
all that do these things are an sible for your wrong doings, as
abomination unto the Lord: and others are responsible for theirs. What is spiritual power? Do not