Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 74

cise, and counseling. She lost over 100 pounds. Although she slipped back into past behaviors, she re-entered the program to get back on track. She has not returned to her former lifestyle since. Her friends, family, and church gave her the encouraging support she needed to succeed. should be in their families’ eyes, as well. 1 . If you believe your child has an eating disorder, approach your son or daughter with loving concern privately. Avoid shame or coercion. low them to make reasonable choices. Making suggestions or offering limited choices may help you guide their decisions. Ask family members to cooperate with you in how they respond to your troubled teen. Should you lack confidence about how to talk with your son or daughter, discuss your conThe mindset behind faulty thinkcern with the school guidance ing and body image distortion recounselor, youth pastor, or a liquires counseling and, in some censed clinical counselor. There cases, psychiatric care. Total are also help lines available to transformation is much more eflisten to you or your child, give fective through the power of the advice, and point you to approWord of God (Romans 12:2). . Be prepared for rejection priate resources in Canada the The person will also need to of your concerns. They may NEDIC at 1-866-633-4220 or Towork with a medical team to help not be willing to see or have the ronto 416-340-4156. In the U.S, them stop the damage they are understanding to recognize the NEDA 1-800-931-2237. A numcausing to their bodies in con- danger their behavior causes. ber of treatment centers specialjunction with nutritional counselize in eating disorder recovery. ing. People suffering from eating . Weight issues are best addisorders need the loving supdressed at the doctor’s office ADULT FRIENDS AND port of family, friends, and the by the doctor in a professional FAMILY MEMBERS church to walk alongside them manner. Medical staff are trained through this journey to healing. to sensitively handle weight is- Adults have an independent sues with minors. Let the doctor nature. Adult friends and famDifficulty comes when confront- bring up the subject, but be will- ily are more likely to brush off ing them. Forceful attitudes or ing to speak up regarding health concerns or become defensive; overly helpful intentions will concerns from their behavior. however, pointing out the truth cause him or her to retreat deepin love is very helpful in bringer into harmful habits. The per. Ask your teen to check out ing their attention to the harm son you care about needs you what you are sharing with they are inflicting on themselves to reach out to them. Here are them by reading information on (Ephesians 4:15). Confronting several helpful tips: eating disorders from reputable someone with eating disorders resources. takes prayerful, careful thought. For Parents with Teens Here are some ways you can ex. Set boundaries for appropri- tend your concern with a friend Teens are subjected to a lot of ate behavior in your home, as or family member: scrutiny about their developing this is an addiction. Set clear conbodies from their peers, teach- sequences and follow through. . Ask them if you could speak ers, family members, and other (NEDA- Parent Tool Kit ) with him or her privately. It adults they engage with. Their should be a comfortable space hormones are in turmoil, caus- You can help them to feel safe at where they won’t feel threatened ing a lot of mood swings, too. home in a few simple ways. In- and private. Teens need a safe environment stead of insisting they eat someat home, one that supports and thing they find repulsive, offer . Respectfully, state the obencourages them. Each one is healthy foods and opportunities vious without judgment. Use beautiful in God’s eyes. They for physical activity at home. Al- “I” messages instead of sound- 2 . Set a time to discuss your concerns with your teen in a firm, respectful manner and in a place he or she would feel safe. Focus on the behavior and the damage concerns, not the weight. 3 4 5 6 1 2