Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 52

You took the words right out of my mouth! I’ve often said you can’t understand the light unless you see the darkness. It’s not to glorify the darkness, and it’s not to give a wink to the darknessno- but to portray the light in a more beautiful, exciting, thrilling way. That was the hope of the film- to really create the counterbalance between the hope that we all have. share this very simple message. You mentioned men as being chivalrous. How can parents raise godly men in today’s ungodly culture? I love the great old Proverb to raise up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it. I have to be very candid, though, I am not a father, but a husband, so I don’t have any almighty authority on speaking What thought do you want any of these things. I do have, viewers to take away from this in speaking about this and six movie? siblings and being very close Right about the time that we with them, I have had a chance had begun the band, Luke had to study this. I now ask myself just gotten married, and I had as an adult why did we stay this actually met my now wife, at his way as a family and with this wedding. Moriah Peters is her concept of loving. We were lovname, and she was a wedding ing our mom well, we were lovcrasher of sorts. Her friend actu- ing our sister well, and we were ally brought her to the wedding loving our wives well. Where did to meet me. this all come from? They might come home at night and then there is baseball, cheerleading, or whatever. They go to that and come back home and the family is pretty exhausted. They may have thirty to forty minutes together at the dinner table. They may talk a bit at the dinner table but people are tired. Some might be on their phones a little bit. Then after dinner, it might be time to watch a movie or homework, and the family is not getting much time together. The kids are learning, and the young adults/teens are learning a lot of their social cues, their spiritual cues, and their moral cues from their peers in their schools. They are also learning cues from their teachers. The schools and the system, subsequently, are becoming the spiritual component of the American So shortly after that wedding, I think that I have uncovered part culture. So you see kids at eighand marrying my wife, we start- of it, and every equation is differ- teen, and they are flat out so ed touring extensively with the ent. If you contrast western cul- confused! band. Coming from a family her- ture with even a more primitive, itage of really loving, and seeing tribal culture, you would see in As for myself, by the grace of our parents heritage of a com- the tribal culture the strength of God, I traveled a lot with my oldmitted marital relationship, we the family dynamic. The families er sister- my older sister was a felt very moved to share a sim- do everything together: they live gospel singer- I was afforded the ple message abut chivalry and a together, they struggle together, opportunity to travel with her a woman’s worth. and they move together. It’s a lot. I was also part of the family family unit. business, and I was in the family So we did and it just became this dynamic. If I wasn’t, I probably movie, and this song, Priceless, If you look at the western cul- would have gotten into all kinds that have been born out of this ture and the family dynamics of mischief. very stage- that this is the kind of it’s different. For example, let’s man I want to be in times where take the educational system. Now I do need to qualify this everything is pointing in the From the age of 6-18- these are statement by saying that I think other direction by glorifying pro- the most developmental years there are a lot of wonderful miscuity, and how many women of their lives- and what do we things about the western educaa man can sleep with. It does do? We put them in school for tion system. I really do. I think not glorify things such as com- six to eight hours of their life for that if anything, parents often are mitment, protection, or finding a five days a week for about forty looking to the education system great woman. hours. Then they come home. to raise up moral, God fearing, They do their own thing, the par- spiritual, spiritually sensitive men It was a move for Luke and I to ents do their own thing. and women. In my experience,