Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 48

having such emotion amidst a community of joy-filled and faithful believers. The Psalms come to mind as a great starting point, there is also something very consoling about sharing a personal testimony of a time when similar feelings were experienced and how we overcame the situation. Often the best spiritual counsel we can provide for a person in a pessimistic state is our presence. We can make known that we pray for them, and offer to pray with them, but we should not be too over-zealous or forceful toward them, we must allow room for our Lord to act and move us in the right direction. We cannot be God; we must serve out of love for God and gently lead them to the Lord, through whom all good things come. The Power of the Gospel message exceeds the confines of language. There is much depth found in our simple and silent witness that allows the Holy Spirit to shine forth through us. When we take the time to pray and be present in fellowship during difficult times we can trust that even our speech will be infused with the grace of our Lord. By remaining humbly surrendered we have the assurance of knowing when to speak and when to listen. Being an attentive prayerful listener can also be extremely comforting. It is an act of love and service when we listen well, void of judgment, and gently remind another that we are there for them. It is all by the grace of God that we can share the Good News and help bring another to the light of Christ in their moment of despair. ”Take my yoke upon you, let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light. “(Matthew 11:29-30) Catherine Spada is a Public Middle School educator and is currently loving her new role as a full-time mom. She enjoys giving presentations and sharing the beauty of the faith. Catherine resides outside of Toronto with her husband and beautiful baby girl. Feel free to contact her with any comments, questions, or requests for speaking engagements at ciarallo_c@hotmail. com