Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 29

spair, pity and hopelessness. Staying too long in these feelings can make it difficult to hear the Holy Spirit. We can move from this place of separation when we choose to allow it to move us towards Christ. The first people to feel this separation was Adam and Eve. Their choices to disobey, conceal sin and run away from God left them feeling empty. Evaluate your life to see if there is something you allowed to distance you from God. Don’t so easily add more people before first taking a look at your life with Christ. Loneliness can be a sign of a spiritual problem more than an emotional problem. OVERCOMING FEELINGS OF LONELINESS 1. ACKNOWLEDGE HOW YOU FEEL God isn’t wanting you to ignore your feelings as if they don’t matter or that He doesn’t deem them important. He fully understands. Christ can associate with what you are feeling and desires to have you come running to Him. Hebrews 12:28 Message Bible “For God is not an indifferent bystander.” He isn’t standing there waiting for you to get over it but He is patiently standing with arms open to bring you fullness and comfort. He is your Strong Tower where you can run into and find all you need. Once you acknowledge how you feel be sure to move past those feelings by reminding yourself of the truth. Ask yourself why are you experiencing feelings of disconnect or separation. Let this drive you closer to Him and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you in