Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 10

Overcoming Sadness with BY HELEN MURRAY O verwhelming sadness. Here is a situation that will face all believers at some stage of their lives. It is wonderful that this is so, because not only will we face this devastation at some stage, but so does everyone else at some other stage. There is the wealthy oencologist who eventually acquired cancer and experienced what everyone else went through in the production line treatments that were handed out. His approach to clients changed dramatically after that as did the approach of his student oencolo- gists. In other words the hardest times are the times when we are most open to learning and growing, to becoming wise and understanding, to changing our established mindset for the better, and learning how other people tick. I was ‘sent’ to Sunday School as a child. My family were not into religion. However I learned verses in childhood and in my Christian youth that never left me when I had a temporary distraction from operating in my faith. There were reasons for that, but we won’t go there, and I returned eventually, rather suddenly! However, during this period I suffered a horrendous loss and had no-one to go to about it. I went miles out into a lonely place and screamed out my distraught feelings for a couple of hours. After that I could return home and consider plans of operation. But the thing that kept me together at that time was a scripture I had earlier learned: All things work together for good to those who are called… (Romans 8:28). The Holy Spirit dropped that scrip-