Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 15
needed someone on short notice so she asked me if I could
fill in.
Well, of course, I said “YES”
because this was my chance
to tell my story. I have to tell it
in a way to tie it back into business but that won’t be hard because overcoming addictions is
like overcoming challenges with
business. Both things you need
to hand over to God.
That speaking engagement because of Matthew also got canceled but they put me on the
schedule to be the featured
speaker in December. I truly believe that God used a bad situation to push me into it so that I
can start our speaking ministry.
It is going to be interesting but
my whole life has prepared me
for this moment.
I am in awe at what God is doing in our life and yes, I wish it
would be faster but everything
is in God’s timing. It will happen
under his timing because if you
do it out of his timing then you
are bound to fail or at least fall
hard. He will prepare you for the
vision he has for you if you give
him a chance to do that.
We all have the right now attitude and I still have to stop myself when I want to push faster
than what God is doing in us. I
have to remember that he is the
one guiding us, not us guiding
him. We want his blessing on
this ministry.
This reminds me of Gal 6:9 that
says: “And let us not grow weary
while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not
lose heart”.
of God in you while things are
not happening but I am telling
you that if you find a way not
to lose heart, then the day will
come when God’s vision starts
to take hold of your life. When
that happens, look out, because
things will take off from there!
Chris Benton
Web: InspiredMarriage
FB: @TheChrisBenton
Twitter: @TheChrisBenton
I am Chris Benton. I run a Christian Blog and am launching a
marriage ministry because God’s
purpose for mine and my wife’s
life is to help marriages. I have
The key phrase is losing heart been writing for several years
because that is the part that most now and have found a great
people lose. They get frustrated passion in writing, so because of
and then fade from their calling that I am writing a book on my 19
because of their current circum- years of addictions that I finally
stances. God is saying don’t lose walked away from over 8 years
heart while doing good even with ago! I have also started creating
your current circumstances!
short video messages.
It is never easy to keep the hope