Faith Filled Family Magazine March 2017 | Page 61

the sunrise when you wake up in the morning ! Sit on your doorstep and listen to birds chirp on a spring day ! Think of God when you feel a gentle breeze hit you in the face and know that He sent it . Focus on the things that are pure ! Spend time with your family . Count your blessings for all the things that God has given you ! Start at the letter A and go all the way to the end of the alphabet . The more you fill your mind with good things the less time you have to concentrate on anything bad .
When you spend time with God in prayer it gives you strength to face life around you and to shun off temptation . God ’ s word says that no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind . And God is faithful ; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear . But when you are tempted , he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it . ( 1 Corinthians 10:13 )
Remember , when Jesus was in the world , He often withdrew to lonely places and prayed ! ( Luke 5:16 ) If this was a habit for Jesus and He was the Son of God , then it is even more important for us to do the same thing .
Reading God ’ s Word is how He speaks to us . It is very important that we set aside a certain time just to read the Bible . I personally like to read my Bible in the mornings . I have found if I read the Bible in the mornings that I always end up having a much better day . However , if I read it right before I go to bed at night it seems like I am confessing all the things that I shouldn ’ t have done . Maybe I shouldn ’ t have been so impatient when I saw others being that way ? Why did I let their attitude rub off on me when I could have been more positive ? Please put God at the beginning of your day and I promise that you will have much better results !
Be careful about what you watch on television and the music that