Faith Filled Family Magazine July 2016 | Page 9

Deuteronomy 6 provides for the parent a picture of God’s Plan in parenting. It is one of the most profound passages in the word of God having to do with parenting and the parenting process. Deuteronomy 6:1 says, “Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the judgments which the Lord your God has commanded me to teach you. That you might do well in the land where you are going over to possess it.” The Lord is primarily talking about the Ten Commandments. These are the laws that were presented by God to Moses to give to the people. Now again, hear what this says, in my paraphrased version. “The commandments, the statutes, the judgments which the Lord God has commanded to teach or impart are to be listened to and followed with a sincere devotion. The focus or purposes of these teachings are to prepare my people for inheriting the promises that have been previously stated, and are summarized here. There are possessions that are to be possessed by the people of God, and all that is required to do so is obedience to the commandments that have been taught.” In the passage presented above, Moses was speaking about actual land and real warfare to possess it. From a New Testament viewpoint, land means more than just geography. It is speaking about every promise found in the word of God that pertains to His children. If God has provided a husband or given a wife, even though at times one might like to give them back, they’re still a precious possession,3 a gift from the Lord. Once received, one becomes respon- sible for the proper care of the gracious gift. Children are a gift from God, and part of ones “possession”. They are part of the family inheritance. God wants parents to “possess” them, “So that you and your son and your grandson might fear the Lord your God.” “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge.” (Ps. 11:10) One of the purposes for obeying the commandments of the Lord is so that respect will be built into ones children. It is a well-documented fact that it is vital for children to learn basic respect for legitimate authority at an early age. Respect really has to do with the fear or the awe and reverence of the Lord. How do children learn this reverence? By learning to reverence their parents. One of the ways my wife and I have jokingly expressed this to our children has been to tell them, “remember, to obey is better than being sacrificed!” The Word of God s ays that worship with the lips is nothing compared to worship from the heart that is demonstrated by obedience to God’s commandments. Children learn to worship the Lord by having a basic respect for parents and subsequently for the Lord. A parent’s primary goal should be that their children learn to fear the Lord. One of the things that is missing in Western society is a respect for right and wrong. There is an abysmal lack of a basic sense of law and order, which comes from a lack of respect for proper authority, including parental authority. The reaction to lawlessness in society has been to build bigger prisons that are structured for punishment. A parent’s focus should be on providing resources to their children so they can be properly trained, rather than voting for more money to build prisons for those who have not learned respect or are reaping a harvest from sown abuse and neglect. There must be a renewed commitment to the equipping of parents to effectively rear their children. This is the hope for the future of every nation. The plan and purpose of God is that children (adults as well) might fear the Lord and respect His Word. Often a demand is placed on children to respect adults, and if they do not they are punished. The expectation is that little children give absolute obedience and allegiance to the parents every whim and command. In truth, children love to show honor and respect to their parents. It is natural for them to want to obey and please them. What causes most children to begin the disobedience process is not demons, nor is it even the old nature in most cases. It is usually discouragement. This discouragement will be discussed in detail later, but first more on the commandments of God. Referring back to Deuteronomy 6 it says, “Keep all his statutes and his commandments which I command you all the days of your life, that your days may be prolonged.” How many parents want to see their children live to a ripe old age? Jesus may come back soon yet, until He comes, His church and all His people are to be actively in the