more frustrated workaholic. What
needs to change is our thinking
about work. That only comes as
we adopt a stewardship mindset
about work. God is the owner of
all who has appointed us to work
for Him. If we begin to live to
please God in our work, instead
of trying to meet all the demands
of others or endlessly trying to
prove ourselves, we will find balance. God expects us to work
hard and even put in extra effort.
As we seek to please God, most
human bosses will be pleased as
well. But working for God means
that we also address our need
for rest, health and time invested
in relationships.
rescue their viewpoint of work.
Though it’s true that “work” is
now marked by the Fall and is
therefore marred, it is not intrinsically bad. Granted, at times it
may feel as though it is and we
would be foolish as parents to
expect our kids to enjoy every
aspect of work. Nevertheless,
teaching them a biblical perspective of work and being an
example of one who sees work
as a gift of God and opportunity
to bring Him glory can go a long
way. In addition to rescuing their
viewpoint, we have to be mindful
of our responsibility to encourage their desire to work through
our daily example. What we say
will actually be detrimental to our
The Scripture is insightful children if through our actions
regarding this matter. Consider we communicate the fact that
the words of the psalmist, “It is we do not believe our own mesin vain that you rise up early and sage. Furthermore, in order to
go late to rest, eating the bread teach a strong work ethic, we
of anxious toil; for he gives to his can ’t ignore the obvious. Our
beloved sleep.” (Psalm 127:2, children, like many of us, will
ESV) How many parents in an have reluctance in some cases
attempt to do “good”, end up to work hard and apply themteaching their children what it selves. Consequently, we have
looks like to live an anxious life. to be ever diligent to champion
If we as parents display a life principles, through word and
that over-emphasizes work and deed, which will combat their
under-emphasizes rest, we do own propensity toward laziness.
so at our own peril and at the Lastly, we need to help our chilexpense of the young hearts that dren see the beauty of keeping
we seek to develop. As impor- the main thing the main thing!
tant as it is to work hard, develop Rather than instilling within them
strong work ethics and teach our an imbalanced approach to work
children the dangers of laziness, that will ultimately lead to fruswe must also strive to teach tration, neglect of family and an
them the value of rest.
anxious life, we need to be constant watchman of our own priConclusion
inoculated from the Gospel.
What I mean is that in our efforts
to instill within them some good
habits and healthy practices,
they and we lose sight of the fact
that what they need most is a
transformed heart and mind. It’s
for this reason that our greatest
task, responsibility and privilege
as parents are to live, speak and
breathe the Gospel before our
children on a daily basis. As is
the case in most challenges in
life, the heart of the problem is
usually a problem of the heart…
the arena of “work” is no exception. When our children understand the greatness of God,
the grandeur of His glory and
the excellence of all His works,
they will find more than enough
reason to apply themselves and
live their lives for His Glory. As
a matter of fact, the greatest
work that has ever been wrought
by God’s hands is the work of
changing a heart of stone to a
heart of flesh, of delivering those
in darkness and death to light
and life! When we understand
this, our child’s greatest need,
we will never be satisfied with
creating “good workers” but will
earnestly pray for the blessing of
seeing our children transformed
into godly worshipers!
Personal Bio
My name is Benny; I am just a
man. Nevertheless, there is much
that can be said about me. I am
a gratefully married husband, an
ever learning father, an undeserving child of God, a preacher
of a “fooolish message”, a perSo then, how do we go about the With all this being said, we would petual student, a lover of words,
ever important task of teaching be remiss if we left the conversa- and a reader of books. I have
our children a strong work ethic tion here. One of the dangers in spent much of my adult life in an
from a biblical perspective? For any discussion of this nature is attempt to point others to Christ,
starters, we need to set out on that we create seemingly “good and it is that endeavor that I cona rescue mission…a mission to people” who are, unfortunately, tinue to pursue.