Faith Filled Family Magazine January 2017 | Page 7

Flirting Is Harmless Fun ... Or Is It ?


So many people in this time think that it ’ s OK to flirt . I have even heard people say that flirting with people who are not your spouse actually helps the spark in your marriage . It is no wonder why we have a 50 % divorce rate even among Christians because many Christians also believe this . I am not here saying that flirting is the only reason people divorce but what I am saying is that many times affairs start here . Flirting is an affair in the mind . 1 Corinthians 6:18 18 Flee from sexual immorality . All other sins a person commits are outside the body , but whoever sins sexually , sins against their own body .

That verse doesn ’ t say to go to the line . It says to FLEE because when you don ’ t flee , the day will come when you fall and it will have all started with some innocent flirt .
So why is flirting bad ? Why can ’ t you flirt and still have a strong