Faith Filled Family Magazine December 2016 | Page 20

VICTORY OVER THE Polite Put Down BY TAMMY CROFT It’s two weeks before Thanksgiving and you are trying to pull your family together to lock down plans for dinner. Getting everyone together at the same place at the same time has always been a task, but there’s one sister who wants to make it impossible. For years it was always a given that everyone would meet at mom’s house where she would delicately create an awesome meal all by herself. She could single handedly leave you stuffed, happy and ready to lounge the rest of the day. Years of expecting this was great until all of a sudden the day comes when you realize that mom is really older, slower and having a much harder time doing this work alone. After coming to this conclusion, you decide to pull together all of the siblings and make a decision to change plans this year. There are five children, all of which have decent cooking skills and you of course, have the most. Therefore, they all look to you to prepare the menu and make the one item that is the most important part of the meal; the dressing. So you give everyone directions as to what they need to bring and everyone agrees and has no problems except sister number three. We will call her Tabatha. Tabatha can be impossible when trying to get her cooperation. She never gets anywhere on time, if she even makes it without having a hundred excuses as to what came up. She never has enough money to take care of her part of anything, so one of the other siblings will wind up paying her way. She argues about everything that you ask of her, and she will wait until it is absolutely imperative that she take care of things right then, before she will begin the task of coming through for you. She gets on everyone’s nerves and it takes all that the other siblings have to not fuss at her or worse, every time that are together. When Tabitha was a child, everyone knew what to expect from her and would most often make excuses for her behavior because she was poor little Tabitha. No matter which one she would make angry, all the rest would gang up to protect her because, as they would say: “She’s trying, just leave her alone.” As time went on, however, everyone was beginning to get tired