child was in heaven and that he
would go to him one day. What
happens when a young child
makes a profession of faith and
then rejects that profession as a
young adult? Is that child saved,
was the faith of a child enough
to bring regeneration and if so,
how could someone who is
indwelt by the Spirit reject salvation? The rejection of faith by a
child has nothing to do with eternal security as eternal security
deals with losing salvation. The
question, of whether the child
was ever saved or not, is made
moot by the child’s stated denial
of Christ. This is not a matter of
losing something, as it is a willful act of rejection. Jesus said
in Matthew 10:33 - “but whoever
denies me before men, I also
will deny before my Father who
is in heaven.” The question that
needs to be asked is not, “is my
child still saved?” The real question is, “can my child come back
to Christ?”
Does a child who has made a
profession of faith, seemingly
borne fruit and had a zeal for
God but later denies the faith
and rejects God’s authority have
the opportunity to come back to
Christ, can they be restored or is
he a lost cause? As in all things,
Scripture is our guide. Referring back to Adam, obviously,
Adam was in good standing with
the creator, yet, willfully rejected
God’s authority in his life. God
did not cast Adam away when he
defied and rejected, God sought
him out and provided a sacrifice
to cover his nakedness. The
story Jesus told of the prodigal
son also speaks of one who
was in the family, rejected and
left and then came back. Luke
15:32 shows the response of
the father after the son returned
after rejecting and leaving - “But
we had to celebrate and be glad,
because this brother of yours was
dead and is alive again; he was
lost and is found.” The prodigal
son did not discover a father he
never knew, he knew the father
and rejected his love and care to
go off on his own. Eventually the
son returned to the father and
was considered brought back
from the dead and made alive
again. Also, we cannot forget the
account of Peter and his denial
of Christ. Peter, three times,
denied even knowing Jesus, yet,
like God in the Garden seeking
Adam, Jesus sought out Peter
and restored him to grace and
placed him in ministry. This all
took place after Peter made a
profession of faith, declaring that
Jesus was the Christ, the Son of
the living God.
those they ministered to and with
and are actively praying for children of other believers who have
inexplicably left the faith
Also, extremely important is the
need to reassure the child he is
still loved. Though a decision to
leave the faith may seem like a
betrayal and rejection of the parents, it is not. When Israel told
the Prophet Samuel, judge over
the land, that they wanted a king
like other nations, Samuel felt
betrayed and rejected. God told
Samuel, “they have not rejected
you, they have rejected Me.”
Parents of children who reject
the faith must model Christ’s
unconditional love. This does
not mean becoming permissive
or supporting of sin, but it means
lovingly setting boundaries and
expectations with consequences
designed to teach and restore
rather than punish or harm. Modeling Christ is the most effective
tool any believer has in reaching
As of this writing, Roland has not
Finding comfort and support returned to the Lord, though his
through the community of faith parents have not given up hope
is necessary for the parents who and are able to maintain a good
find themselves dealing with a relationship with him. Roland’s
child who has suddenly rejected parents continue to pray daily for
faith. Parents in this situation him and their friends also pray
need to find people within the and comfort. No parent can
church that will confidentially make their child repent and be
pray and love them through born again, but parents should
this ordeal. The fear of being never give up hope for the Bible
labeled a bad parent or of being tells us in Ecclesiastes 9:4 - But
judged should not cause a griev- he who is joined with all the
ing parent to suffer alone. When living has hope, for a living dog
believers struggle, pride should is better than a dead lion.
not hinder the ministry of others;
God calls the church to carry Paul Ahnert is holds a B.A. In
each other’s burdens. Roland’s Christian Ed and is committed to
parents, though embarrassed discipleship. Paul is a freelance
about their son’s decision, writer and you can follow him on
sought counsel and comfort from Facebook, and Twitter.