Our August issue is entitled,
“The Road to Victory in Hard
Publisher’s Letter
We chose this topic in anticipation that this topic would encourage someone who is going
through a difficult time that they
are not alone.
It is through trials and temptations, often, that our character
is refined. In the midst of it, we
have three choices: give up and
forfeit our victory, re-evalute as
to whether we are where we
should be and what the blockage to victory is, or stand in faith
waiting for the manifestation.
The road is never easy, and at
times can be downright challenging to our faith! However,
we need to know that if we hold
on, perservere, and dig into
God for strength, we will receive
victory in one form or another.
This issue attempts to address
difficult situations and address
issues that aren’t as clear-cut as
we may have hoped. We tackle
the issue of a spouse leaving
and whether reconciliation is
possible. We also discuss how
to know when God has something greater planned.
We discuss financial woes and
whether they are self-inflicted
or blockages. We also discuss
how to know the difference.
We give parents hope with the
wayward child, the addict, and
dealing with rebellion.
We also encourage and refresh
you (as being a parent isn’t
easy!) with tips on maintaining
peace, strength, and wisdom in
overcoming every situation.
As always, we will turn you back
to scripture, and strengthen your
walk with God.
All of these topics are designed
for each Christian to attain freedom from things that are binding
us from walking in victory and
stealing our joy.
Know that you are never alonethat no matter what God will
always be with you. He loves
you more than you know, and
will guide you down the right
path. All you need to do is ask,
seek, and pray.
He is faithful to answer always
if we just listen. He holds the
keys and the knowledge over
every situation.
Be blessed always, our overcomers! Victory can be just a
prayer, just a moment, just a
second away from your grasp.
Hold on to your faith, and never
let go. Sorrow only lasts for a
moment- it is just a blip in time,
but joy will come in the morning.
Walk in victory, my brothers and
sisters in Christ!
Michelle Danko is the founder
and publisher of Faith Filled
Family Magazine.
doesn’t believe in just writing
about the Word, but living it each
and every day..
She is passionate about making
a difference in the lives of families and teaching every person
that victory in life is possible with