Faith Filled Family Magazine August 2016 | Page 41

and giving Your life for each of these precious girls. And so we know... that You are the God who loves them; You are the God who gave Your best for them... Father, we thank You and praise You that You are a Good, Good Father. You’re a Good Father on the clearest day. You’re a Good Father on the darkest night. You’re a Good Father when everything makes sense to us and You’re a Good Father when we can barely see through the murkiest glass. You’re a Good Father when things unfold in our way and You’re a Good Father when things unfold in a different way than we could ever imagine and we know this because maybe we don’t understand everything, but there are some things we do understand … we know that there is a cross standing in the middle of this story today and that cross tells us that You understand, that You care, that You feel the pain, that You understand the moment. And that cross tells us that You are a big enough God and a powerful enough God to take what seems the worst and to paint it in royal blue. God, thank You for Salvation in life that instantly carried these precious young women into what they were made for and Who they were made for. But so much hurt is left behind, so much brokenness is left behind and I thank You that You are the God of all comfort. I thank You that Your Grace is not only enough for everyone that loved them... but Your grace is more than enough, is super-abounding more...I thank you that You are close to the broken-hearted and You draw near to those that are crushed in spirit... and we know that You are doing that now.”(4) This is my prayer for you as well. That in the midst of the tragedy, you will see your Father. That you will experience his nearness and will bring your questions to Him. That you will cry on His chest and find your rest there. And that from what seems like a senseless tragedy, you will make sense of how much He loves you. REFERENCES 1. http://www.focusonthefamily. com/lifechallenges/emotionalhealth/coping-with-death-andgrief/coping-with-death-and-grief 2. Retah McPherson’s story: or the book: “A Message from God” co-written by Retah and her son Aldo, available from Amazon. com I would like to thank: Glynis Rozendo and her husband, Retah McPherson and Janine Oosthuyzen for their willingness to answer my questions and share their story to help others deal with grief. BIO I am a 37-year old wife to a comic-book junkie and mother to 1. Fumia, Molly. (2003) Safe two cheeky boys. Passages.York Beach, ME: Conari Press I live out my faith in Johannes2. burg, South Africa and we never cgi?action=page&page=articles (ever) ride to school on any %2Fritual.html&site_id=3 zebras. Although that would be 3. Bob Goff, Love Does: Dis- amazing. cover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World You can find my words about my 4. faith, my fears, my family and my gathering/life-on-purpose/14:00 fun at RECOMMENDED READING