body, but they feed and care for their body, just
as Christ does the church—for we are members
of his body. “For this reason a man will leave his
father and mother and be united to his wife, and
the two will become one flesh. This is a profound
mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the
church. However, each one of you also must love
his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must
respect her husband.” Ephesians 5:22-33
to engage in something that he enjoys immensely
is in itself a way of communicating how much you
cherish him.
Treasure your time together and spend it creating
a closer bond with your spouse. This might mean
that you have to go out of your way to support the
interests of the one you love and if that were the
way of love, so be it. Many wives have found favor
in their husband’s eyes by choosing to share in his
interests. It doesn’t hurt for you to sit through the
boring (to you) football game with your husband
just to offer him support. The fact that you choose
It is in keeping our marriage vows alive that we
exalt the name of God as we then choose to give
meaning to the rules he has spelt out for us. The
choice to love, honor and cherish the one we are
married to is not only an act of obedience to our
loving God but is a way of uplifting the person
whom we are married to the entire time God has
given us to share our lives together.
When you put your partner first they will be pulled
in to doing the same for you. Every couple should
seek out ways of expressing love to each other
and not let the other go without knowing how much
he/she is cherished. Once you inculcate this habit
in your marriage it becomes part of the way that
you live your lives together and sooner or later you
To cherish one another means that each partner will find that you have become that couple that is
upholds the other in high esteem. It is obvious the true emblem of what true Christian marriage is
that that which you cherish you will protect. When meant to be.
you attach value to your partner and recognize
him/her as God’s perfect gift to you it adds more Honor
commitment to the marriage. When you cherish Honor in marriage is another important element
your partner you will place them top most after that cannot be left behind. Matthew 6:21, “For
God. Your relationship with that person matters so where your treasure is, there your heart will be
you will go out of your way to ensure that it works also.”
out well. This could involve a lot of work on your
part but you choose to take it on any way as you Honor in marriage is the difference between fulfilling
God’s design for your marriage or not. When you
are committed to the other.
honor a person you will go out of your way to
You cannot effectively love your partner without make them feel most valued in life. You do this by
cherishing them. It is what makes you rethink the putting them above all others in the way that you
instances when you might have gone ahead and relate with them. God commands us to honor each
taken a drastic step in your marriage. The fact that other with our bodies. When you hurt your partner
you understand that the commitment to love your you are hurting interfering with the testimony of
partner is a life one will make you seek ways to be Christ in your life. Therefore you should be gentle
able to make your marriage the best it can be. All in the way that you treat each other so that it will
this is with the help of God who offers useful help be witness of your love for Christ. For you cannot
for you. In doing so it is important not to lose touch claim to love God while treating the partner he has
with the expression of love to your partner. When given you as worthless.
you repeatedly declare your commitment to each
other you are in effect nurturing feelings of self It all boils down to your commitment to God. When
worth to your partner and in return encouraging you are keen to follow in the ways that have been
them to return the favor. For who can resist the set by God you will not struggle with keeping your
constant acts and expressions of love coming commitment to your marriage partner. It then
their way from the one they have made a life becomes easy for you to live within the statutes
that have been set by God for a fulfilling marriage.
commitment to!