Fairy Garden Magazine Issue 1 | Page 3


The Growing Trend

Fаirу gаrdеnѕ аrе a vаriаtiоn оf miniature gаrdеnѕ which hаvе bееn сrеаting ԛuitе a buzz fоr several years nоw. Their popularity stems from the ability to create a magical, miniature worlds no matter what kind of climate you live in. The plants and setting you choose are entirely up to you because you’re only limited by your imagination. Accessorize your current garden, put them in old tires, place them in a barrel, or even put them in a pot and bring them inside.

A quick look at Google Trends reveals that fairy gardens have been steadily growing in popularity since 2012, but in 2016 photos of adorable, DIY fairy gardens started spreading like wildfire and the hobby has grown astronomically since the beginning of the year.

Why Fairy Gardens?

Hobbies help ease stress and creativity is fulfilling. With virtually unlimited ways to create a fairy garden, no two setups are the same.

This makes it a fun activity to share with your friends and family either by posting pictures of your latest setup or by letting your children help

pick out the accessories.

Whether you choose to make your fairy garden accessories or buy them, you still face a few challenges such as finding and maintaining miniature plants that compliment your set. You could opt for fake plants to avoid that headache, but then you'll be limited to indoor fairy gardens.

2016 has been the biggest year for the fairy garden hobby so far...

Setting up a fairy garden is simple enough, but there are some challenges.