Fairmont Focus 10 10 | Page 13

9) RCL UPDATE Team of the week: U19A Girls’ Hockey Team Back row: Adrienne Wing, Nicole de Abreu Aires, Emma Jacobs, Jenna-Leigh Dolpire, Courtney Clother-Sinclair, Brigeet Bernadie, Candice Earley, Mr Clark Front row: Kay-Lynn McLean, Cayley Jones, Hanna-Jayne Hough, Kaylin Brunsdon 10) WON LIFE : VOLUNTEER AT OUR LITERACY CENTRE The Literacy Centre, run in Fisantekraal, is a volunteer-driven organization that relies on willing members of the public to volunteer their time reading with those learners eager to learn this very important milestone. With each volunteer, Won Life is able to extend their reach and really make a difference in the community of Fisantekraal. If you can spare an hour or two each week, please email Won Life on: [email protected] Watching the faces of these children as they reach each small milestone will give you a great sense of reward.