Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience
07/23/2014 -07/25/2014
Eighth Annual Summer Workshop on ‘Hardware and So ware Experiments for Teaching Undergraduate Neuroscience’, 23-25 July 2014
08/01/2014 -08/03/2014
The 2014 FUN Workshop
11/15/2014 –11/19/2014 SFN 2014
Go online to the FUN website for the latest:
Events, Job Pos ngs, News Items, Discussion, and Shared Syllabi
and don’t forget you can post your own items once logged in
h p://funfaculty.org
Newsle er Staff:
Amanda Clinton, University of Puerto Rico
Amy Jo Stevenezer, College of Wooster
Bob Calin-Jageman, Dominican University
Call for Submissions: October 1 for fall newsletter
Make your voice heard! Submit to the next issue of the FUN newsle er.
We welcome submissions on any topic suitable for the FUN membership including:
Editorial – an opinion piece on an issue or topic relevant to the advancement of FUN’s mission.
I wish I’d known then – advice you wish you’d been given related to teaching neuroscience, career development, managing research or other topics relevant to FUN membership
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