FACSAFoundation.org Shattering The Silence Tour Documentary Project | Page 18

I am speaking up for my grandchildren to look back and see not everyone turned away in indifference; that not everyone who says, “I love you, wants to use you and abuse you!” I want them to know we are out here fighting for them! We want children to grow up in a safer world and break the multi-generational abuse of child sexual assault, which is the last great frontier to fight! I want them to know not to cower to abusers, bullies, intimidators, liars, manipulators, gaslighters. What is gaslighting? Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse the abuser uses to make the victim second guess themselves. The abuser or abusers, which can be family or coworkers, will use terms like, “You’re crazy – that never happened.” “It’s all in your head or you have a bad memory.” They will also move things around and hide things from you to make you feel like you are losing your mind. Many times our families are destroyed from the enemy within. While families like to think this would never happen in our family, it happens more frequently than people imagine. It is up to us to protect our children, and not turn away in indifference because we like our standard of living. Our children are counting on us to protect them. The harm that rape, sodomy, and fondling, does to a child is damage that last a lifetime. Pedophiles, look like the average normal person next door. They serve in all walks of life, from a small house to the white house; all of which destroy our families, and leave a carnage, our children may never recover from. It may seem I can only pray for deliverance for my family, but I know I can do more. I will fight like hell for them! Please help us fight for all families by signing the petitions for No Statute of Limitations and Free DNA Testing and Processing for All Children of Sexual Assault. We need ambassadors and volunteers to help us present the bills before each state representatives before April to pass the bills on a unified front. Thank you for your assistance. You can reach me below. Connie Lee/Founder/President/FACSAFounder.org [email protected] 318.540.4464