FACSAFoundation.org Shattering The Silence Tour Documentary Project | Page 5

LEAVE THE SECRETS AND BAGGAGE BEHIND We have just embarked upon a new year 2016. You have each day to challenge yourself to fulfill your dreams and to make this the best year you can make it. We have started off with some great projects, which we need your help with, and that I hope you will join us on this journey as well. We have a video project asking survivors of child sexual assault and human trafficking to: 1) share on paper or white foam board, the secret that has you riddled with guilt shame, fear, and degradation for so long. I have posted mine to give you an example. By sharing your story, you will inspire others to share theirs and to help them heal. We have kept the silence too long. This has protected the perpetrator and all those around the one who raped and sodomized us as a child. This traumatic event has affected every aspect of our lives and we cannot fully heal until we let go of the secrets. It's Time! You are no longer alone! Please show your support for others and support them on this courageous step. By speaking up, you take the power away from the perpetrator, and the secrets we were forced to hold in silence will tumble like a house of cards. Your voice is more powerful than you think! You