Travel with a pair of friendly fish as they learn about what parts of our bodies we share with others. Children will learn what the boundaries of appropriate touching are in a very non-threatening way. School Counselor Julie Federico begins the imperative conversation of personal boundaries in Some Parts are not for Sharing. Children will enjoy learning about their bodies as they get some important information from a pair of fish. Parents will marvel at the simple straightforward language and use of sea creatures that create this message all children must hear. This book is also available in Spanish. To read the book visit www.juliefederico.com Some Parts are Not for Sharing is Julie Federico's first book. She wrote it after years of hearing students recount abuse stories in her role as a School Counselor. She is quietly ending childhood sexual abuse one book at a time. Visit www.juliefederico.com to read the book and share the link with others. Her goal is to have this book read to every child, everywhere. This is a child's first book on body safety and is for children 0-7 years old. The book is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to discussing personal boundaries with children. The book is also available in Spanish and Kindle format. Anger is OKAY Violence is NOT released June 2012. This book teaches children about feeling, familie s, fish and anger. For readers 0-7 years old. Received rave reviews from Blue Ink Reviews. http://www.blueinkreview.com/reviews/view/867/srch:julie%20k.%20federico Julie is available for speaking engagements. Contact: [email protected]