FACSAFoundation.org Shattering The Silence Tour Documentary Project February 2015 Volume 3 | Page 60

Shattering The Silence Tour and Documentary Project, at FACSAFoundation.org I have found through art, music, dance, poetry, writing, film, etc. survivors and anyone, can express their true emotions, which aids their healing and spiritual journey, regardless of beliefs. We carry with us the traveling, Shattering The Silence Wall at each conference for attendees to post their stories, art, and poetry, which becomes more phenomenal with each personal story addition, from town to town, city to city. Yes, it does take courage, but when someone speaks up about their pain, it helps them heal, and inspires others as to share their stories as well. Sharing your stories takes away the power of the perpetrator, who has held his victims prisoner through silence, fear, shame, and degradation. Once survivors speak their truth, the power of the perpetrator tumbles like a house of cards. This is very powerful and how art is such a powerful tool for healing. Survivors finally realize they are not alone, and many others are awaiting for this person to take their place, along with the army of advocates across our country, and across the globe. We cannot pass down another multi-generational epidemic to our children. This is the day we speak up to say, "Enough is Enough" and "I will not be silent anymore"!! The children are counting on you. Connie Lee/FACSA Foundation/Founder/President