FACSAFoundation.org Shattering The Silence Tour Documentary Project February 2015 Volume 3 | Page 47

When pornography takes over, spousal love is suffocated. If a partner doesn't stop viewing pornography, there is a high possibility the marriage will end in divorce. In testimony to the United States Senate, Dr. Jill Manning reported that “56 percent of divorce cases involved one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.” There can be no place for two different lovers in a marriage. Too many addicts choose to give up on their spouses rather than give up pornography. 2. It’s addictive There's a reason why some experts have called pornography "the drug of the new millennium." It has been suggested that pornography is far more addictive and destructive than hard drugs like heroin and cocaine, working in the same way as a chemical drug — only with more power because it deals with carnal thoughts and behaviors. It takes over a person's thinking. 3. It spoils intimate relationships Pornography's portrayals are fake. The subjects are actors. There is no love involved. Porn paints a false picture of intimacy. A spouse cannot live up to this untrue image, and marital intimacy becomes less fulfilling. Pornography kills the beautiful tenderness of marital affection. It leaves victims lonely, unable to enjoy normal relationships with their spouses. 4. It negatively affects your brain Research suggests that pornography causes ADHD, social anxiety, depression, performance anxiety and OCD. In a TED talk from physiology teacher, Gary Wilson, titled "The great porn experiment," Wilson addresses the effects of pornography on the brain. Since watching porn releases dopamine, he states that “too much dopamine can override our natural satiation mechanisms.” The result is that the brain experiences physical changes, including a numbed pleasure response that causes real intimacy to become unfulfilling. This change also creates hyperreactivity to pornographic material, causing an insatiable appetite for it. Will power is eroded. When this happens, all that matters is viewing more pornography. 5. It causes you to lose respect for women The continual viewing of pornography promotes the degradation of women. Porn promotes the falsehood that women are objects with which to fulfill carnal pleasure. 6. It causes you to lose respect for men