FACES - YWAM Singapore Issue.2019 | Page 8

The broken heal, to heal the What was growing up like for you? Lynn: Growing up in a broken family without a father figure was not easy. There was a lot of instability and fear at home. I never knew what the next day was going to be like. We also moved to many different places for a season of time. It was difficult not knowing where home really was or where I belonged. Elisha: I, too, came from a family that did not know peace. There was a lot of hostility between the parents and children, and amongst us siblings. Uncontrollable emotions and sinful desires were the masters in our family. Voicing my thoughts was regarded as rebellion and there was little space for communication. This shaped me into a shy boy in search of my identity. I tried to find love in many different places – in school, girls and football. I struggled with a lot of insecurity, anger, distrust and loneliness. Deep down in my heart I did not know who I was and did not have a good sense of my purpose on earth. I lived like an orphan. How did God redeem your childhood experiences? Lynn: I think God’s redemption has indeed come a long way in my life. I always wanted to find a place where I could belong and feel significant in. I tried all sorts of things but somehow, they did not satisfy. One day, while staying over at my cousin’s home, I was introduced to my current home church. It was there that I met God’s love through His people. They were authentic and made conscientious efforts to know me. Despite my brokenness, they chose to love and pour into my life. In 2013, I did my Discipleship Training School (DTS) with YWAM Singapore and met a group of people who, through an intense time of knowing God, accepted one another and desired to grow in truth and love. I count it a privilege to serve and grow together in the same community still. It has been such a gift to see each other step into different life stages. Elisha: God has been so good and brought me on a journey of discovering His heart and intentions for me. The Holy Spirit ministered to my heart at different moments and brought me healing and freedom. He used prayer and scriptures, but a large part of my healing came through the community in YWAM Singapore. The initial few months were especially tough but this family took care of me as one of their own. God used different people to speak into my life, to encourage, affirm and correct me. This helped me grow and slowly discover my identity as His son. He showed me that His love is enough and no one or nothing else can take His place. How did the both of you become a couple? Elisha: As I discovered my identity and grew content in Him, God gave me the green light to pursue one of my good friends. I’d known Lynn for five years by then. But I had a missions call to a specific location that not many are called to, and I needed to know if she was called to this people group too. I knew that she had another country on her heart. Amazingly, two weeks before I broached this conversation with her, the Lord had asked her if she would serve the people group I was called to and give up her desire for the other nation on her heart. Her response to the Lord was, “Yes, but I do not want to go alone. Would you please send someone or a team to go with me?” Two weeks later I asked her to be my girlfriend! What has the journey of becoming ‘one flesh’ been like? Elisha: Two broken people coming together in union is not easy. There is bound to be pain and conflict. Though we knew the Lord’s hand was in our relationship, learning how to walk in love was still needed. More of our unresolved brokenness started to surface. We had to allow God to bring it all to light and be open to people whom we were accountable to. We learnt to move from being controlling and self-centred, to being trusting of and giving towards each other. Healthy communication in the midst of our conflicts called for reliance on the Holy Spirit to restrain our emotions and selfish desires. What are your hopes for your family? Elisha: During a counselling outreach trip to South Asia, Lynn and I shared about God’s longing for families to be restored. Through this, He changed the minds of a couple contemplating divorce, to choose forgiveness and love instead. We see how powerful this message is. As we understand God’s heart for families, and see Him heal the broken relationships in our own families, we believe that He will use us to bring hope to others. With our first child on the way, we pray that He will use us to bring hope to the orphans, the marginalised, the lonely and broken-hearted so that they may experience what true family is. Elisha and Lynn recently welcomed baby Ezekiel into the world on 20 January 2019. 13