FACES - YWAM Singapore Issue.2019 | Page 17

WITH LOVE, AND ASTONISHMENT Our God sees the end from the beginning. He summons individuals, calling them into His purpose. Through the one willing to obey His call, He accomplishes what He purposes for the nations. The missional journey decreed by the Great Commission reflects two sides of the same coin: From one side God works in the nations through the one He calls to His purpose. From the other, God works in the one through the nation He purposes to redeem. In the story of Abraham, we see the journey of one who was handpicked and sent by God, the Multiplier of blessings. Photo credit: mh on Unsplash To whom much has been given, much will be required (Luke 12:48). YWAM Singapore exists within a miracle nation that strategically intersects East and West, and possesses one of the most prized passports in the world. The mantle of ‘Antioch’ compels us to be a blessing to the nations of the world. We are charged by the Lord as a key gateway for and of Asia, in order that Christ be known in all the earth. “…Go from your country…to the land that I will show you…and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:1-3, emphasis added) As we avail ourselves to His call, to be willing vessels of His glory, the nations encounter the God of the multitudes and the Redeemer of nations. His will be done. The stamp of redemption, sealed by the Sovereign One. “…behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…” (Revelation 7:9, emphasis added) Our God has declared the end from the beginning. His counsel shall stand, and His purposes will be accomplished. Amidst thick darkness, God’s glory will be seen upon His people and nations shall come to His light. As He extends to you an invite to the nations, will you give your life to the One who has given His for yours? 31