The reality of being persecuted for the
Gospel was made more acute when Sara
opened up about her housemate, Anne
Anne had spent the last 14 years travelling
in and out of the remotest village in
Elbonia—one week on a donkey and
another week climbing mountains just to
reach them. And it was only in December
2016 that Anne fi nally saw one person
come to the Lord, just months before she
was shot dead in her own room.
“I remember the day after, we gathered
as a community to grieve, cry and pray. I
had a vision. I saw Jesus walking in that
village. I saw Him sitting down with the
people drinking tea, speaking to them
and loving them. I asked, ‘When have you
been there, Lord?’ and God showed me
that He walked amongst the people when
Anne went to be with the people.”
By this time, both Sara and I were in
tears. I caught a g limpse too of the
Father’s radical love and initiative. He
goes the farthest distance to look for
His lost children, longing to bring them
Coming back to Singapore this time has
been diffi cult for Sara and for those who
love and support her. Her close friend
shared how hard it was to pray for God’s
will to be done, if it meant that Sara
would be killed. Even her church that
commissioned her is still grappling with
what it really means to follow Jesus.
“We talk about following Jesus as if there
is no pain or loss. But God is still at
work even in life or death. Everyday in
Elbonia is a privilege for me,” Sara shares
confi dently.
As we begin to round-up our conversation,
I asked Sara, “What keeps you going?”
“After our team spent a couple of days
to debrief the incident, I felt like my
family grew—the family of believers
serving together in Elbonia. We are so
different. Different countries, different
backgrounds, ages. (Sara starts naming
the countries that her fellow missionary
friends come from.) These are my family
members. Through the care we have for
one another after all that’s happened…
they keep me going.”
Sara’s answer surprised me. It is not
something ‘supernatural’ that keeps
her going. It is the love her Christian
brothers and sisters have for each other
in spite of suffering that spurs her on.
I then understood what Jesus meant
when He told His disciples, “Your love
for one another will prove to the world
that you are My disciples” (John 13:35).
The proof of God’s love often does not
come with mere words or preaching. It
comes when we choose to stay together,
to work through pain, to love each other
through suffering and trials. The world is
watching the family of God.
[Sara’s story shows us that
responding to God’s call doesn’t
eliminate hardship. Despite the
shocking events experienced
in ‘Elbonia’, Sara resolved to
return. Let us pray for her and
those in Frontier Missions to
endure well, and that God’s
song will be heard.]