Dear Friends,
Last year, you came alongside us and contributed generously towards YWAM
Singapore. A running defi cit of approximately S$80,000 was covered and we have
been able to sustain ourselves throughout the past year. A big Thank You to all our
friends, churches and alumni who have contributed in various ways. It has benefi ted
our backbone ministries, training schools and seminars, and mercy ministries
comprising of the homeless, street walkers, the medical ship, and rescue missions.
Our monthly expenditure of between S$60,000 to S$70,000 continues on. It
includes our rental, administrative and operational expenses*. Please stand with
us by supporting us fi nancially, and see God’s work Go Deeper, Go Wider and Go
Farther. As always, YWAM Singapore seeks to hear His voice and to follow Him
wherever He leads us.
On the same note, we hope that these stories will spur you, your family and your
church onwards in seeking our Father’s heart on how you can further contribute in
His Kingdom’s work. His stories are told through each and everyone of us, and His
love is already present through you. Let’s do this together as one family, to see the
Last, the Lost and the Least reached!
*Excludes manpower costs as YWAM Staff are self-funded.