Loving the Broken On the Streets
[Over the past decades, YWAM has revealed God’s compassionate heart through acts of mercy. In
Singapore, we focus on serving those with immediate needs, such as the homeless uncles and aunties.
Regina shares how a fresh revelation of God’s fatherly character transformed how the Trolley Ministry
worked amongst the broken lives of Singapore’s destitute.]
he work of justice and mercy confronts us with challenging,
character-surfacing experiences. Through some hard
knocks, we learned that our personal transformation and
our “being” (not our “doing”) is the key to reaching out and
touching the lives of our homeless friends. approval and acceptance. In receiving this, we can then value
every individual likewise and put relationships before tasks.
This act of embracing the world into the Kingdom family is
how God brings restoration and healing to the broken. Family
is the fi rst church.
It is strange how being in ministry can make it diffi cult to rest
in God’s complete acceptance of us as His children. Many of us
place our trust in our performance, deeds, doing events, or even
our passion for social justice and good causes. But that is not
how our Father relates to us. Our team spent six months working on ourselves before going
back to engage with the homeless on the streets. We had to
function as a family fi rst and not fall into a performance of
ministry. Trust us, it is easier to visit the streets fervently every
night than to spend hours working through our disagreements,
listening to our hurts and correcting our bad attitudes with
each other! But that is what family is: a safe place of peace and
refuge for us to grow in relationships.
God had to remind us of the most basic thing: Being in right
familial relationship with God is to fully rest in His unconditional