With this data, you can take advantage to set the next
publications based on a more female audience or more
masculine, if any, or a particular region, for example.
people reached
The number of people for whom their publications were
displayed in the last 28 days. Unlike Fans, People Reached
elucidates the total number of people who viewed your posts.
This includes friends of your fans viewing a shared post in the
feed or people viewing paid posts.
Here you can compare also in two colors, the difference between
their fans and the People Involved in the graphs related to age
and gender. In blue are the data for the fans and the gray data
on People Involved.
People involved
In People Involved you have another public aspect to consider.
the fact that features are part of the people who interacted with
your posts are met. That is, people your likes, commented,
shared their publications or somehow engaged with your page in
the last 28 days.