Profile picture and cover
The profile picture is the main image of your company on
Facebook. It is the image that will appear whenever you share
new content in the news feed, as well as when you share
something on your profile, always use the image that identifies
your company, or just in case. It is also important to be aware of
one thing: the default for profile image is square, i.e., before
entering this image, keep in mind that if it has otherwise it will
not work.
The recommended is the minimum resolution of 180x180px is
that there is no distortion.
The cover photo is another element of utmost importance in the
page of your company, and the main and largest image that
identifies the visitor when accessing your fan page.
The main thing here is you customize an image with the exact
size of the resolution so that no image element is cut. We
recommend a minimum of 851 x 315px.Há several ways you can
use this device in a creative way. A cover image can contain an
offer, the visions of the company, supporting a cause, the slogan
of your company, a photo (internal or external) of your company,
the photo of a product your or any other image that represents
their mark in some way.