A major limitation in the process is usually a difference in the
name and the inability to change this field after the page exceeds
many tanned.
If this happened, the ultimate solution is to fill a request to
Facebook analyze the case and can make the merge of the page.
The request can be made at this address: facebook.com/help/
contact /? Id = 238,908,726,149,664.
Merging more than two pages
If your intention is to merge more than two pages into one, you
do not necessarily need to do the above steps again and again.
In the same link above, you can fill out a request to merge up to
5 pages in one (picture).
First, you select which is the page that you want to keep as a
main. Then, you select the pages that will be joined. The pages
must have similar names and can only be merged if they have
the same purpose. Otherwise, Facebook will deny the request.
Merging a profile and a page
Contrary to what may seem, merge a profile and a page is not as
complicated. The first step to be done is to name the profile with